Prayer and Support Groups
11:00 AM Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM Support Groups
11:00 AM Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting/Worship
Men Women Youth
Mens Breakfast Meetings
Meetings are on the 1st Saturday of every Month
Women's Luncheons
Held Quarterly - See events page for more information
Children's church (pre-school to 5th grade)
Every Sunday morning after 11:00 AM worship
Every Thursday night after 7:00 PM worship
Junior Youth (6th grade to middle school)
Every Thursday night after 7:00 PM worship
Senior Youth (High School)
Every Thursday night after 7:00 PM worship
​To inquire about any of our services
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Service Schedules
9:00 AM Breakfast
11:00 AM Morning Worship Service
1:30 PM Lunch
11:00 AM Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM Support Groups
11:00 AM Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM Worship Service & Youth Night
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting/Worship

​To inquire about any of our services
Food and Clothing
Food ministry fed over 5000 last year!
Clothing and supplied to those in need.
Donations welcome for food and clothing.